Why Was Bombing Hiroshima Necessary

The bomb was dropped to force a quick Japanese surrender. What was the result. How The Hiroshima Bombing Is Taught Around The World Atomi...

Hiroshima And Nagasaki Bombing Casualties

8 it is thought that eight of its POWs died. One Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission report discusses 6882 people examined in Hiroshima and 662...

Hiroshima And Nagasaki Bombing History

But five weeks of heavy fighting had cost 24000 US casualties including over 7000 dead and all this to capture an island one third the size...

Hiroshima And Nagasaki Bombing Date

Hiroshima Nagasaki Bombing Date. 100000 Menschen sofort fast ausschließlich Zivilisten und von der japanischen Armee verschleppte Zwangsarb...